• Luscious Lillies Bouquet

    Enjoy a beautiful fresh bouquet featuring our Quik's Farm homegrown lilies. Fragrant oriental lilies are artfully designed with a touch of filler and greenery. Delivery date is selected at checkout. Same-day delivery is available if your order is placed before 12pm. ---- *Due to the freshness of the lilies they will be delivered in bud form and will start to open in a few days. **If No Vase is selected a hand-tied bouquet will be delivered nicely wrapped and ready to be placed into the recipients own vase.
  • The Blush & Snow Tulip Arrangement features a stunning blend of locally grown tulips, radiating natural beauty and elegance. The soft pink tulips are paired harmoniously with pristine white tulips that add a touch of purity and freshness. Thoughtfully arranged with soft accents and lush green ferns. This arrangement feels fresh, vibrant, and full of life, offering a perfect balance of romance and tranquility, while supporting local growers.
  • Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant


    Orchids make great gifts. Locally grown Phalaenopsis Orchid Plants are low-maintenance, long lasting and stunningly beautiful!

    Choose your favourite colour of Orchid Plant and it will be delivered to the lucky recipient in a Whitewashed Bamboo Pot adorned with moss for decoration!