Quik’s Farm Special Bouquet

Quik’s Farm Special Bouquet


A beautiful mix of our fresh Quik’s Farm homegrown flowers in the Floral Designer’s choice of colours. The recipient is sure to enjoy this delightful mix of our Quik’s Farm grown Chrysanthemums and Alstroemeria accented with filler and greenery.

*If you have a colour preference, please let us know in the Note to Florist section at checkout. We will do our best to accomodate your request but colours vary by season. Our expert Florists will choose colours appropriate for the occasion.

Same-day delivery is available if your order is placed before 12pm.


**If No Vase is selected a hand-tied bouquet will be delivered nicely wrapped and ready to be placed into the recipient’s own vase.

**If In a Vase is selected the hand-tied bouquet will be delivered in a clear glass vase, ready to be enjoyed!

(The medium size bouquet is pictured)

Art cards for all occasions are available here.

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A beautiful mix of our fresh Quik’s Farm homegrown flowers in the Floral Designer’s choice of colours. The recipient is sure to enjoy this delightful mix of our Quik’s Farm grown Chrysanthemums and Alstroemeria accented with filler and greenery.

*If you have a colour preference, please let us know in the Note to Florist section at checkout. We will do our best to accomodate your request but colours vary by season. Our expert Florists will choose colours appropriate for the occasion.

Delivery or Pickup date is selected at checkout. Same-day delivery is available if your order is placed before 12pm. Pickup orders require 2-3 hours design time. We will notify you by email when your order is ready to be picked up!


*All of our designer-made hand-tied bouquets feature fresh and long-lasting flowers grown right here at Quik’s Farm! We source locally grown flowers whenever possible and supplement our designs with high quality imported materials.

**If No Vase is selected a hand-tied bouquet will be delivered nicely wrapped and ready to be placed into the recipient’s own vase.

Additional information


Large, Medium


In a Vase, No Vase


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