Monochromatic Bouquets

Monochromatic Bouquets


Created using your favorite colour in all its shades. A visually appealing design that has an interesting variety of textures and flowers.

Pictures only show possible flower varieties available in each colour. The designs will vary based on availability, season and price point chosen.

Delivery or Pickup date is selected at checkout. Same-day delivery is available if your order is placed before 12pm. Pickup orders require 2-3 hours design time. We will notify you by email when your order is ready to be picked up!


*All of our designer-made hand-tied bouquets feature fresh and long-lasting flowers grown right here at Quik’s Farm! We source locally grown flowers whenever possible and supplement our designs with high quality imported materials.

**If No Vase is selected a hand-tied bouquet will be delivered nicely wrapped and ready to be placed into the recipients own vase.

***If In a Vase is selected the arrangement will be delivered ready to be enjoyed by the recipient in a clear glass vase.

Art cards for all occasions are available here.


Created using your favorite colour in all its shades. A visually appealing design that has an interesting variety of textures and flowers.

Pictures only show possible flower varieties available in each colour. The designs will vary based on availability, season and price point chosen.

Delivery or Pickup date is selected at checkout. Same-day delivery is available if your order is placed before 12pm. Pickup orders require 2-3 hours design time. We will notify you by email when your order is ready to be picked up!


*All of our designer-made hand-tied bouquets feature fresh and long-lasting flowers grown right here at Quik’s Farm! We source locally grown flowers whenever possible and supplement our designs with high quality imported materials.

**If No Vase is selected a hand-tied bouquet will be delivered nicely wrapped and ready to be placed into the recipients own vase.

***If In a Vase is selected the arrangement will be delivered ready to be enjoyed by the recipient in a clear glass vase.

Additional information


Large, Medium, Small


Pleasant Purples, Pretty in Pinks


No Vase, In a Vase